Professor Marius (scientist who worked at the Bi-Al Foundation in the year 5000 as a specialist in extraterrestrial pathological endomorphisms. While off Earth he also wanted a dog so he constructed K9 to accompany and assist him in his work. He helped the Fourth Doctor defeat the Swarm, although he himself was briefly infected by it and so freed the Nucleus and made it grow in size. Afterwards, Marius gave K9 to the Doctor to take with him on his journeys), who invented the first K9, described him as "my best friend and constant companion." Marius had a dog on Earth, but weight requirements did not allow him to bring his real dog into space; he built K9. However, K9 might owe his existence to a temporal paradox. According to one account, the Professor copied the remnants of one of the versions of K9 created by the Doctor and given to Sarah Jane Smith.
K9 stayed with Leela on Gallifrey for many years. It was only after the disappearance of her Time Lord husband, Andred, that Leela and her K9 met Romana and her K9. The two K9s did not get on well and competed. After Leela became Romana's bodyguard and after many important missions on her behalf, Leela's K9 was destroyed by an exploding bomb. Leela was heartbroken, but refused to have a duplicate unit built
The episode School Reunion sees Sarah Jane and K-9 return to the series. The Doctor (David Tennant) provided K-9 with a sonic tune up to get him rolling again as Sarah Jane isn't the most technically minded!
However, K9 survived this and the Last Great Time War. He witnessed the murder of Zanthus Pia by Ahab. His Jixen henchmen fought him and were transported to 2050 Earth. K9 self-destructed to protect the humans nearby, then regenerated into a more advanced model.

K9 made his UK Terrestrial Début 18th December 2010 on channel Five.
K9 and his three teenage companions become the earth’s front line defence against dangers threatening from anywhere and anytime in the galaxy.
And so the story continues. Supposedly the K9 series is coming to the US at some point in Time.
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